“Wow!! I have learned a lot from Talitha Cumi. Really, God has raised me through your obedience. I see the whole worldwide girls changing through you!!” –Flory
“I think I’m just too excited about this whole concept and believe God that it’s going to change the lives of our girls.”–Nonyaniso
“Wow! This Mentor’s Manual is profound. Every day when I study it I come out revived. I always receive something new from it. It’s what I needed—trust me! I can’t go a day without studying it. It perfectly suits my life. As you have provoked the kingdom of the enemy, can you just think how Heaven reacted after such a life-changing program?!”–Sister
“I believe that many girls will arise through Talitha Cumi, especially those who were in captivity, who were hopeless, and who were discouraged.”–Sarah
“Wow!! The brethren can’t stop talking about the Talitha Cumi team! We are blessed to have you in our lives and ministry!”–Bishop Thomas Maphosa
“I see how we came to this training as one of these notebooks when it was plain—naked and ashamed. Now all our shame is covered by the love of Jesus. We are forgiven and renewed and leaving as beautiful as ever, just like these notebooks after we have covered them with decorations.”–Portia
“I have been part of Talitha Cumi since 2019. A lot has changed in my life. I was a girl who did not fear God, lived in the kingdom of darkness, played a lot, did not care about anyone, almost like the world did not exist for me until one day I was invited to be part of Talitha Cumi. There I met the love of God and the wonders he does. Wow, this helped me a lot and changed my life. I learned to be happy and to confront difficulties, no matter how painful they are. There are pains that we feel and do not show. We suffer in silence; the soul cries, the heart cries, no one sees! But God knows! God heals. From the day I knew Jesus, everything changed in my life. Talitha Cumi helped me in many things of life that I did not know and had no idea. Wow, I cannot enumerate. My heart leaps with joy and I scream how wonderful my God is; Talitha Cumi is a reality—God resides there. It is a family in which we are all happy. The Bible says it was for freedom that Christ freed us. Therefore, stand firm and do not allow yourself to submit again to a game of slavery. Say no to the abuse of girls. Defend yourself and other girls. God bless you and your family. Amen” –Catarina
“I don’t even know how to start, because … TALITHA CUMI was and is something that changed my life.
When the meetings started I was so excited and with each study I learned a lot about God, about myself and I was able to explore the Bible like I had never done before. I gained curiosity in reading the Bible and whenever I read, I feel light, I feel so good … I calm down, I receive comfort…
I didn’t always have time last year because of school, I did my 10th grade last year, but I did everything possible to be present at each meeting. I made a lot of friends, good friends. At each meeting we could open up, speak toe to toe as equals, we had freedom of expression, discussed various subjects, clarified doubts based on the Bible. TALITHA CUMI taught me to choose good paths in my life, to distinguish between good and bad, changed my way of thinking, I stopped being attached to things in the world.
God has changed my life greatly since then. A lot has happened … I passed my exam, I gained confidence in myself, every day I strive to change the bad things in me. TALITHA CUMI made me realize that for the world I can be imperfect in a thousand ways, insufficient, defective, but to God I am perfect just as I am. During the studies Mummy Pastor [my Mentor] gave us a verse and said that we should memorize it to follow as a guide for life and that verse says the following: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Psalm 66:18). I carry this verse in my heart because it explains very well how I can remain faithful to the Lord, how I can keep close to Him. During our meetings I was able to learn how to do pancakes, homemade bread, bracelets, necklaces. TALITHA CUMI taught me to be a better person, taught me that God never gives us more than we can handle, He gives everything in His time, He never makes mistakes. In a way, TALITHA CUMI empowered me during the period my mother was away, I’m not sure how to explain it…. Anyway I give thanks to God for everything I learned in TALITHA CUMI. I can’t wait to start studying again. I’m so anxious.
I didn’t know how to start this text, nor how it was going to end, but just as I opened my heart the words started flowing. TALITHA CUMI: Girl get up Mark 5:41 Our body belongs to the Holy Spirit. He inhabits in us. We are like a home for Him.”—Delnisia
“What Talitha Cumi did for me is it helped a lot in the difficult moments of my life. I learned to forgive people easily. I also learned to feel like a girl when I joined Talitha Cumi when I saw that in the other girls. I was able to see that we were created to pray and to be courageous. It’s where I saw that Talitha Cumi was made to help us. I did know how to pray before, but Talitha Cumi taught me how to pray; now I know how to pray. I also learned God’s love, that God loves us and that God died on the cross for us and that we should serve God by his words; and that we are the light of day. The Word of God is important because it makes our lives easier. Amen” –Elia
“I am part of the Talitha Cumi group since 2019 and it has changed my life. There I have learned a lot about God and I have gained a lot of spiritual growth. I have met new friends who over time have become sisters and I am very grateful for this, in addition to various arts made with hands such as cooking and decorating notebooks. Finally, it has made me a better woman. I have to say thank you Talitha Cumi.”—Neima
“Peace and Grace. I am a member of a group of girls named Talitha Cumi. Since I started being a part of it things have changed a lot in my life. God has really transformed my life a lot. With the help of God and also the mentors, I was able to learn more of God’s word and I praise God for their lives. And I hope that this group will reach more girls so that they will be blessed as I have been and am. Romans 8:28”—Epifania