Become a Partner
Talitha Cumi Tribe functions through the volunteer efforts and contributions of its local and global partners. We seek to make you aware of this initiative and request your support, both morally and otherwise. Consider it our personal invitation . . . .
A local partner cooperates in the vision at the local, grassroots level by recognizing the very direct benefit of the program to your community at large and joins the strength of your influence and reputation, and when applicable, offers discounts and makes donations (whether financial or with products or services).
A global partner advances the mission at the level that impacts the wider scope of the vision. Your contributions generally cross multiple geographic borders by sharing the financial burden of taking this program into new territories.
We like to acknowledge and appreciate the generosity of our special partners and let the whole world know who is behind us. Just imagine how your business would prosper when word begins to spread that you stand with TCT, that a percentage of your profits are donated to this noble cause! What a brilliant way to raise the confidence of your clientele!
Whether locally or globally, there are plenty of ways in which you, your church, Sunday school class, your business, company, organization and your community can become involved in transforming the lives of our girls and about how YOU can leave a legacy where it counts the most!
Banquet Hosts
One of the needs we have is for banquet hosts. We are looking to raise several thousand dollars through these banquets. This consists of a church or company, for example, partnering with TCT in hosting a one-night event as simple or lavish as the host may determine. This would provide the platform and broader sphere of influence for TCT to reach a new audience. Our representatives are ready to share the vision and to give voice to those whose stories need to be shared from around the world. By simply working together, these banquet hosts can help us put together an unforgettable evening that will bless the nations, the heart of the Father, and every attendee.
If you have any interest in this and would like to know more, please let us know as dates tend to fill up fast and we want to be sure to coordinate with your calendar!
Become an Event Sponsor
Often times we could extend much broader invitations and offer much needed materials for our events in developing countries if we had the means to sponsor more participants. Of course the costs vary to the country but a simple matter of sponsorship can take a program from good to GREAT! Our prayer is that every time we land to plant and water the vision it would leave behind all the signs of the the highest quality and be conducted with the excellence due our King.
Join the Talitha Cumi Tribe of Mentors
Once you become a TCT Mentor, you could be eligible to facilitate more trainings and become a part of spreading the vision around the world.
If creativity is your specialty!
One aspect that makes our program so unique is that we join the two hands of both spiritual AND skills development. We encourage the mentors to seek out those in their communities who are specialized in diverse skills (baking, culinary, catering, decorating, events coordinating, sewing, art work, and any kind of creative expression that adds value).
The vision is to expose the girls to a host of skills to allow her to discover her interests and develop her talents before she is pressured into some desperate line of work far from her God-given purpose. But the local aspect could also present its own challenges—in a small community, sharing your business secrets can become a liability. If everyone is doing beadwork, yours will need to be outstanding. If everyone is baking, what is going to set yours apart? THIS is where crossing cultures can offer such a huge advantage!
The secret is in creativity, which is exactly what our Maker specializes in. Therefore, new hacks and do-it-yourself projects with local, readily available materials become life changers in far parts of the world. If the sound of this makes your heart leap, this would be a great way to get involved.
The Talitha Cumi Tribe story is unfolding with heaven’s beauty marks of approval and with a rapid acceleration as we enter our second decade. The need to share that story effectively is upon us. Those who are experienced or even looking to increase their experience with modern techniques in the videography department could make a great difference in how and how far this incredible vision is shared. If this is you, we would love to hear from you!
Creating our own APP
Because we are reaching out to such a vast audience within the TC Tribe, we really need to be able to communicate with our mentors and girls around the world in a succinct and accessible fashion. This is the best way to keep everyone up to speed with announcements, devotionals, encouragement, opportunities, and provide a forum for participation between our members. We need someone with the skills and availability to help us put this together.
This impacts two branches:
As we seek to broaden our base of support, you may be one God chooses to use to go ahead of us as a “door opener” by speaking up for the TCT vision in your sphere of influence among those we might otherwise not have access to. This is a tremendous way to join your passion for networking with ours by introducing Talitha Cumi to a wider audience. This plays such a critical role in helping us to establish a network among more of those who share the same passion. We are ready to offer you some promotional materials at your request.
We are also trusting God to discern the open doors across the continents who invite our representatives to bring Talitha Cumi to them. If you know someone who would be interested or could use the training, please recommend us to one another to begin the request process. You could make a real difference in this way!
Start TCT in your area
Our goal is for every girl to experience regeneration through salvation and thereby to reach her full potential. This is why we are working to make Talitha Cumi Tribe available to as many communities as possible. “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18:27). The urgency now is to train and mobilize more mentors to reach more areas. What about you? If you are interested in starting a TCT branch in your church, community, or country or wish to volunteer in this ministry please contact us.
Since our goal is to make TCT available around the world, we are busy translating our materials to be accessible in the language of the people. We are presently busy with French, Portuguese, and Arabic. We look forward to engaging translators for Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Bengali, and the list goes on. We are in need of translators who have a firm grasp of grammar and fluency in English and the given language. All it takes is for one key person to unlock the door to an entire language group! If this is you or someone you know, please contact us.